Stoughton Recreation
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Jigsaw Wizards

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Engage in a stimulating challenge with our Jigsaw Wizards program! Gather a team and compete against other teams to complete the puzzle provided by Stoughton Recreation . This program offers a fun and intellectually rewarding experience for puzzle aficionados! No more than 4 participants per team (only one registration per team is needed). Solo sign ups will also be available and participants will be placed accordingly. Snacks will be provided. The time allowed to complete the puzzle will be a max of 2 hours. Prizes will be given out to the first and second place teams to complete the puzzle.

Please note: Participants may be eligible for a refund or account credit on a case by case basis prior to the first day of class. If we do not meet the registration minimum, the program will be canceled and you will be notified by email. 

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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